Welcome to Cumbarjua Panchayat
The Village Panchayat of Cumbarjua is situated in Tiswadi taluka. It comprises ofTwo revenue village i.e Cumbarjua and Gandaulim. It has a population of 5218. The Panchayat has its jurisdiction over Nine wards with Nine elected representatives. TheVillage Panchayat has Primary Schools, High Schools and Anganwadis. The Major source of Income for the Panchayat is House Tax , Grant-in-Aids, and other grants.Cumbarjua, also spelled as Cumbharjua and Kumbharjua, is an island town on the banks of the Mandovi River in Goa, India. It is situated to the east of Goa & capital Panjim at a distance of 20 kilometres.T he name 'Cumbarjua' is said to be derived from the Konkani word kumbhars (translation: potters), who inhabited thearea. Cumbharjua is mainly known for its crocodile sightings, and as a habitat of the Indian mugger crocodile. The island is also known for the festival of Shantadurga Kumbharjuvekarin Devi Shishirotsav, which signifies the arrival of goddess Shantadurga Kumbharjuvekarin back to her home. Cumbharjua is also famous for its annual sangodd (boat festival), which is celebrated on the seventh day of Ganesh Chaturthi. Gandaulim village is famous for its St. Blaise Church. Originally the St. Blaise Church, Sao Bras was a small Chapel built in 1541 by Croatian sailors and traders settled in this village.
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